Products | SPR Sensor chips

SPR Sensor chips

XanTec bioanalytics provides laboratories worldwide with the ultimate in SPR biosensor chips via superior coating technologies. Our proprietary technology, developed over more than 25 years ago, solves a number of critical issues usually associated with state of the art Self Assembled Monolayer (SAM) surface chemistry. The coatings are robust and prevent exposure of hydrophobic nanodomains or pinhole defects which can cause non-specific interactions. As the chemistry is extremely versatile, a large choice of topcoats is available to specifically address different experimental needs.

Not only do we feature the largest portfolio of sensorchip coatings and chemistries in the world, we offer the versatility to work on a number of different instruments and in varying formats. The chips fit into instruments of all major manufacturers. In addition, we provide customized sizes or can coat alternative substrate materials.

Short brochure SPR chips

Compatible sensor chips and prisms
Biosensing Instrument
Bruker™ / Sierra Sensors™
Sartorius™ / ForteBio™ / SensiQ™
Reichert SPR
BioRad™ ProteOn®
IBIS/Kinetic Evaluation Instruments™
Instrument compatibility of XanTec's SPR Sensor chips/prisms. Other manufacturers are covered by OEM contracts.

Biacore™ users can find the XanTec sensor chip corresponding to their Biacore™ sensor chip in the following table.

ModificationCytiva™ sensor chipsXanTec equivalentXantec alternative
Plain gold surfaceAuAU
No hydrogel, low capacityC1CMDP planarHCP planar
Short matrix, normal capacityCM3CM50LHC30M
Standard hydrogel, low charge densityCM4HLC200MHLC30M
Standard hydrogel, normal capacityCM5CMD200LCMD200M, HC200M
Standard hydrogel, high capacityCM7CMD700LCMD500M, HC1500M
Biotin capturing surfaceSASAD200LSAD200M, SAHC200M
PEG-based alternative to dextran surfacePEGCMPEGCMTEG
Hydrophobic 2D surfaceHPAHPP
Vesicle and liposome captureL1LDLP
NTA for His6 tagged ligandsNTANiD200MPoly-NTA NiHC group (high affinity)
Antibody capture surfaceProtein APAD200LPAHC200M
Antibody capture surfaceProtein GPAGD200LPAGHC200M
Reversible capture of biotinylated ligandsCAPture KitRGD200M