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The New Reichert4SPR Instrument Software

Too often, instrument software packages require more work to master than they should. We want to help change that. XanTec is proud to announce our new Reichert4SPR software - designed by scientists for scientists. The new Reichert4SPR software guides you through the natural workflow of your experiments, from immobilization to method development through scale up of large screening runs. Analysis is intuitive and easy, too. There's no training required, and the idea of "programming" a run that plagues a lot of software simply doesn't exist.

Here's how the new software allows you to focus on the science, while it guides you through the 4SPR experiment:

Current Reichert4SPR instrument users can upgrade to the new software while maintaining compatibility with the latest data analysis software.

SPR Autolink System Software

Autolink software package provides integrated data acquisition and fully automatic or manual instrument operation.

Autolink is validated software with 21 CFR part 11 technical controls

Protecting the security and integrity of electronic records (ER) is essential for compliance. This includes ensuring the reliability and trustworthiness of ER used to support critical decisions. Features in XanTec’s Autolink software include:

The software has been developed in accordance with an accepted development model to ensure adequate validation.

Data acquisition window

Data acquisition window

Data from the left channel, right channel, and difference channel can be viewed together or separately in real-time. Both the response (Y axis) and time (X axis) axis may be auto-scaled or set to user-defined limits. The data window can also be expanded over a defined region to allow close examination of the SPR response curves. In addition, this window continuously displays the status of each system component, read time interval, flow rate, temperature, file name and injection/dissociation markers.

Programming a run table

Programming a run table
A typical run table injection sequence

Methods are dragged and dropped from the “Available Methods” section (center) to the run table window. In this sequence, step 1 is a pump refill and step 2 is a 1 minute wait for baseline stabilization. The third step is a 2 minute 100µL sample injection from vial 1A followed by a 5 minute dissociation period. The final steps are a 50µL injection of a regeneration solution followed by a 1 minute dissociation. The checked “Rinse” box in an injection method washes the sample loop and needle with buffer prior to the next sample injection. Multiple injections are easily programmed by simply dragging and dropping a “Loop” command at the beginning and end of the methods that are to be run several times. The number of loops is set in a user-definable box in the loop end command. The vial position will automatically increment but the user can uncheck the “Incr Vial” box if they do want the program to automatically change the vial position, which is usually the case for a regeneration solution. This makes it easy to quickly program run tables with numerous injections from 96 and 384 well plates or 48 or 12 vial sample trays.

Autolink post process window

Autolink post process window

SPR sensorgrams are automatically extracted and aligned to the same zero start time and zero response. The aligned sensorgrams are then saved for analysis using Scrubber or the curve fitting program of choice.

Sample set editor

Sample set editor

This window allows the user to select the type of injection from a drop-down menu along with labeling each injection with a user-defined description and concentration. This information is displayed within the run table and the concentration values are automatically carried over to the data analysis program.

Seamlessly integrate Autolink data into TraceDrawer, our data analysis software

Now, the overlays obtained using SPRAutolink can be directly transferred to a data analysis program called TraceDrawer. You simply obtain your overlays in SPRAutolink, and then with one click transfer them to TraceDrawer for data analysis. Read more.


Collect and understand your real-time data using our summarizing and evaluation tool TraceDrawer for our SPR biosensor. The smooth and intuitive workflow leads to unmet productivity and instant insight in assay results.

Key features:

Collect data from different experiments into one single file

Load result files from different instruments, experiments and operators and store in one single file. This is a powerful way to keep track of all results in a project.

Software single file

Compare curves in overlay plots

Compare curves from different measurements in the overlay view. A number of curve modification tools are available to make the comparisons meaningful: move, scale, normalize, subtract, etc.

Overlay plots

Fit your data to kinetic interaction models

How fast and how strong is the interaction? Kinetic analysis is one of the most powerful methods for the characterization of molecular interactions. In TraceDrawer, multiple interactions can be fitted to loaded data. The fitting engine supports multiple data-sets, global fitting, mass transport limitation, and ligand depletion.

Kinetic interaction

Calculate affinity or EC50 in biological assays

TraceDrawer can estimate KD and EC50 based on non-linear fits to loaded data. For improved overview, place all fits in a summary graph. Comparing compound properties have never been this simple.

Compile brief reports based on your findings

Any graph in TraceDrawer, together with its accompanying description, can be neatly printed as a single page report within minutes.

Compose publication-ready figures

Post-processing graphs in image editors are unnecessary with TraceDrawer. Change size, resolution and fonts and add texts and arrows to match the requirements of the journal.

For a trial version of our TraceDrawer please inquire for a time limited license key [ ] and download the software package, the handbook and additional sample files.

Scrubber 2

Scrubber2 is a program designed to clean-up biosensor data. It can align data and remove artifacts prior to analysis. Using Scrubber2 you can go from raw data to binding data within just a few mouse clicks.

The program is arranged as a series of pages with each page performing a specific function.

Next to easy data clean up with e. g. DMSO correction and buffer blank subtraction you can choose from three models to fit:

Scrubber 2

Download Scrubber2