XanTec bioanalytics GmbH

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Products | SPR Biosensors | SPR System Components | Flow Cells

A Specialized Collection of Flow Cells

We offer a standard flow cell with each system. This flow cell is used to perform molecular interaction studies and has low channel volume resulting in extremely fast solution exchange dynamics. In addition to a standard flow cell, we offer specialized cells that provide the ability to couple SPR measurements with other valuable analytical techniques. They open up new avenues of investigation for specialized applications.

Standard Flow Cell – furnished with each SPR system

The new Teflon body standard flow cell features low volume with extremely fast rise and decay times on both channels.

This flow cell represents a significant improvement in flow cell performance. As a gasket less flow cell, it features very small dead volumes, low channel volume with extremely fast rise and decay times on both channels.

The flow cell uses standard PEEK™ HPLC/FPLC fittings and is compatible with tubing sizes down to 0.0025" Inner Diameter (65 micrometers). The mounting mechanism for the flow cell has been completely redesigned.

The flow cell is placed over the sensor slide and locked into place via a mechanical lever. This insures the flow cell is always mounted in a level position with consistent pressure.

Note: This flow cell fits XanTec Instruments manufactured since November 2010. Older instruments may be retrofitted with the new mounting mechanism.

Microscope Flow Cell – combine SPR with fluorescence microscopy

The microscope flow cell facilitates experiments combining SPR with imaging fluorophor labelled molecules on the sensor surface by direct excitation and surface plasmon field enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy. Surface plasmon field enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy is an extremely sensitive and effective tool for detecting and quantifying biomolecular binding. This technique depends on excitation of a fluorophore near the gold sensor surface of an evanescent field. Resonance of p-polarized light with surface plasmons (oscillating electrons) in the gold layer produces the evanescent field.

Utilizing the Quartz Flow Cell

Picture of microscope over SPR Instrument. Transmitted light fluorescent microscope imaging. Shown is the quartz window flow cell mounted on the XanTec Technologies SR7000DC surface plasmon resonance spectrometer. Quartz Window Flow Cell - Top View
Figure 1. Picture of microscope over SPR Instrument. Transmitted light fluorescent microscope imaging. Shown is the quartz window flow cell mounted on the XanTec Technologies SR7000DC surface plasmon resonance spectrometer.
Figure 2. Quartz Window Flow Cell - Top View
Left and right flow paths imaged while flowing an FITC labeled antibody over the left channel surface. FITC label excited by light from above the sensor surface (through buffer). Left and right fluid path imaged after binding FITC labeled antibody to sensor slide surface.
Figure 3. Left and right flow paths imaged while flowing an FITC labeled antibody over the left channel surface. FITC label excited by light from above the sensor surface (through buffer).
Figure 4. Left and right fluid path imaged after binding FITC labeled antibody to sensor slide surface.

Photo Flow Cell

During the past years, numerous light-induced immobilization techniques have been developed. Further, photopolymerization on surfaces or the interaction of adsorbed species with radiation may be effectively studied with transparent SPR devices. XanTec’s photo flow cell with UV transparent quartz windows allows irradiation of the sensor chip surface with light of a broad wavelength spectrum and thus a variety of experimental setups.

Electrochemical Flow Cell – combine SPR with electrochemistry

The combination of electrochemistry and SPR can visualize processes on the surface of an electrode at the molecular level. It is therefore a useful tool to study electrolysis, corrosion processes or to develop electrochemical biosensors. A potential application of particular interest is the investigation of transmembrane proteins as the technique allows measurement of conductivity changes in ion channel containing membrane systems upon interaction with specific signaling molecules.

The E-SPR module can be used to study such electrochemical processes with the 2SPR as it incorporates a working and a reference electrode in the flow cell and uses the surface of the gold chip as counter electrode. A standard coax connector connects the electrodes to a potentiostat or similar devices.

MALDI Spectrometry Flow Cell – combine SPR with mass spectrometry

MALDI flowcell with pin handling tool
MALDI flowcell with pin handling tool

This flow cell represents an improved interface for coupled protein interaction and mass spectrometry detection experiments.

A novel flow cell for combining SPR with mass spectrometry (MS), is the matrix-assisted laser desorption and ionization (MALDI) flow cell which carries removable, miniaturized sensing pins that can be inserted into MALDI target plates for mass spectrometric detection of analytes on the sensor surface.

This is especially important in a ligand fishing experiment where the aim is to identify the molecule(s) captured on the sensor surface. After verifying binding of the unknown species with SPR, these removable pins can be inserted into a modified MALDI target, where the ligand can be directly analyzed or subjected to a digestive treatment. Combined with the application of new hydrogel sensor surfaces, this flow cell allows measurements of higher sensitivity and better reproducibility with SPR-MS.